
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Back to School Time!

Yesterday Alex started 5th grade. Kinda hard to believe that my 9 lb 6 oz burrito is starting his last year of elementary school.

When Alex started pre K I decided to take his picture on the first day of school each year and add it to a digital scrapbooking layout. Up until last year I used the same one and then this year I decided to use a different one because the previous one looked "babyish".

Here is Alex on his first days of school over the years.

This is his pre-K picture.

Here he is in Kindergarten.

And in first grade.

Second Grade

Third Grade (with his sister Kourtney)

Fourth Grade

And this year in the fifth grade.

Nick could have started pre K this year but he's my last baby and I'm just not ready for him to start this year. (It's not mandatory in SC) The church across the street has a Mother's Morning Out program that Kourtney and Alex also went to so I'm hoping to get him into that this year. It's only one day a week so I think that will be enough for him this year. Next year, he'll have to go to school though so I'll deal with those emotions then. By emotions, I mean mine lol. I'm sure he'll do just fine.

Well, school is out for the day so it's time to check the backpack for that beginning of the school year paperwork that seems to never end in the beginning.

Have a great Tuesday!