
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Civil War 2.0

Unless you've been living under a rock, by now you know that our President-Elect as of 2:31 am EST is Donald Trump. Love him or hate him, in January he and his family will take up residency in the White House.

Now judging from the hate towards Trump's win that is filling my news feed on Facebook, you'd think Hillary would have won. I mean obviously all of her supporters had a lot of time on their hands today to piss off the Trump supporters so surely they had time to go vote for her yesterday, right?

From my understanding, people are ending friendships over this election. I have to admit I've deleted 3 or 4 people but not because of their choice of candidate. They called me stupid for my choice. Sorry, I won't be called stupid or any other names. Honestly, if it goes to that extreme, maybe you were never really friends to begin with.

So...if you don't like Trump you realize he's just one person in charge of a huge country. Call me crazy (but don't call me stupid) I really think Trump may extend an ear to the people. Be the change you want to see in your country. Don't sit on your butt on the couch complaining for four to eight years. Progress doesn't happen that way.

There's a lot more that I really want to say here but I'll refrain. I'm not going to push my political opinions down your throats when it's already sore from yelling at one another. 

And if you're wondering who I voted for, it was Trump. I have my reasons. If I lose friends after this post goes live, I get it. But never once did I call you any names. Just remember that.