First of all, let me just say that this post isn't meant to hurt anyone's feelings or "out" anyone. When I strongly feel a certain way about a subject or situation, the best thing I can do is blog about it.
You know it really sucks when you wake up, check your Facebook notifications and instantly get pissed off.
Back before Halloween this year I had posted a throwback Thursday picture of my two oldests and a cousin on Halloween when they were all little. I tagged the appropriate people and until today I hadn't given that picture much thought.
Today some twat waffle (not anyone on my friends list) had left a comment insinuating that my cousin who is tagged is a pedophile.
The cousin that this is in reference to is homosexual but so what? What's it to ya?
Did you know that most pedophiles are straight in their sexual orientation? Just because someone is gay doesn't mean that they're child molesters.
And while I'm on the subject, did you know that just because someone is homosexual it does not mean that person is attracted to everyone of the same sex? Are you attracted to everyone of the opposite sex (if you're straight)? No, I doubt you are and neither are homosexuals. I've had male friends think that just because a gay male talked to them, they were being hit on. Really? Do you think you're so awesome that you're irresistible to all orientations?
There's so much ignorance out there these days it just makes me sick. I'm not saying that I'm the smartest cookie but would it hurt for some of you to think before you speak?
And while I'm on the subject of homosexuality, let me just say that I'm glad our state is finally coming out of the Stone Age. If I have the right to marry the man I love, everyone should have that right. True love is something that only the lucky are able to find. And I say if you're lucky enough to find it, everyone should be able to put a ring on it.
Let the Facebook deleting begin.
Happy Thanksgiving!