
Friday, September 12, 2014

September 12

Yesterday was the 13th anniversary of September 11. It was a very scary day in American history. Many innocent lives were lost. Children lost parents. Husbands and wives lost one another. Our nation cried.

Kourtney was in the third grade and I rushed to the school to pick her up. As a mother, I was thinking that schools could be the next target.

Then came September 12. Our nation united and consoled one another. American flags graced nearly every home on every street in America. We didn't care if you were black or white, gay or straight, Atheist or religious. We were Americans. Period.

Where did that American spirit and unity go? 

We're back to hating anyone who isn't like us. If another person's lifestyle and choices doesn't match yours, they're unworthy of your compassion. 

With as many people that were killed on 9/11, I'm sure there were many homosexuals, Atheists, and the list goes on and on in the variety of people that were senselessly killed that day. Now that you realize that they weren't all like you, is it still a sad tragedy? To me it is. Not everyone is like you.

Yesterday as I sat on Kourtney's front porch having my morning coffee, I purposely scanned her street, both sides, both directions. Do you want to know how many American flags I saw flying from homes? Two. Only two.

Where has the love and unity that we felt on this very day 13 years ago gone? 

Why is it that when someone is killed, whether it be they were shot by a police officer, in a car accident, etc that race becomes an issue? Why can't it be that a human was killed. It's the human condition, not the black, white, Asian, Mexican, insert your race card here condition.

And hate crime? Crime of passion? Those terms make me laugh. 

It's the human condition folks.

So my question is this: why remember the ugly things that happened on September 11, 2001 if we're not going to move forward and continue in the unity and love that we felt on September 12, 2001?

Why does it matter to you what color, sexual orientation, or religion (or lack of) is? If they're not hurting you and yours, mind your own business but care for them. 

We're all human. We all come off the assembly line pretty much made the same. Sure there are birth defects. We all come in different skin tones. But we are HUMAN.

It's the human condition.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Facebook Page

I created a "like" page for this blog, so I'd love if you'd do me a solid and go like it. You can find it here:

I post mini posts and lots of silly pictures there. I think it would be cool also to "see" just who is reading my blog posts.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Dear Kourtney,

Today is your last day of being pregnant with Jax. It's bittersweet because you'll miss the little kicks but having him in your arms is even better.

Tomorrow when you see Jax for the first time, you'll feel the most powerful of all loves. And until tomorrow you won't know that it exists. 

It seems like yesterday that I was standing in the kitchen at Mama's and you called me and said "mom I've gotta tell you something." Somehow I already knew what you were about to tell me. My heart exploded with joy when I heard you say it. Yes, even though I jokingly told you last week that he couldn't be born until my grey hairs had been covered and I'd had a manicure, never once did I think "I'm too young to be a grandma." My thoughts have always been "I'm gonna be a grandma!!!!"

I've seen many posts on Facebook about how wonderful it is to be a grandparent. So tomorrow I'll experience a love that I've never felt before.

For just a little while the nights will be long and loud. You will live on coffee. You might smell like puke and look like vultures have vomited all over your once favorite shirts. It's all worth it!

Now I don't normally give out advice that's not asked for but when I became a mom I wish I had listened to whoever told me this: when Jax naps, you nap. The dirty laundry and dishes aren't going anywhere and they WILL be there to be done later. Until the little man gets a good sleeping pattern down at night, you sleep when he sleeps.

Remember that dream I had just before Alex was born about him being born and he was a chihuahua? Well, last night, I dreamed Jax was a cat when he was born. We know it's not happening because on his ultrasounds there was no signs of a tail or point ears on top of his head. 

I know that you're gonna be a wonderful mom and Justin will be a wonderful dad. I already know this.

Thank you for making me a grandma!
