I have so many thoughts running through my head that this may not seem like a very well organized blog post so please just hang with me on this.
I watched every disgusting episode last season. Not because I liked it but it was like a wreck on the side of the road that you just had to stare at as you drove by. I had to see what happened next. I am proud to say that I will not be watching the next season and all of the holiday "specials" that they have planned on TLC. Here's why:
Reason # 1: I recently read that the Thompson family (Honey Boo Boo's dysfunctional clan) will be getting a pay increase. They will now be receive between $15,000 and $20,000 per episode. Let's think about this: I'm 40 and I know many people that graduated from college that can't find a job making that much money. Seriously? These people are on TV each Wednesday night filling the airwaves (cable, these days) with so much disgusting filth from the mom farting in the opening credits to the little pig, Glitzy, (which they did have enough sense to get rid of it) taking a dump on the kitchen table. They don't care how they appear to anyone and this, my friends, is what is making them the wealthiest white trash in America.
Reason #2: I am proud to be Southern. I am proud to be from SC. I'm very thankful that Alana, June and the crew is not from SC but being Southern and acting the way they do, they're making the entire South look like dumpster diving hicks. I don't have a problem with rednecks, I have a redneck side myself but they just really make us Southerners look like we have no manners. And a true Southerner knows that Southern women are the queens of manners.
Reason #3: One of Honey Boo Boo's older sisters recently had a baby. The few episodes that this new little one has been on has left me feeling like "please CPS, take this baby and find it a home where it will not end up like the rest of this family." Yes, I know that I should not judge, and I know that this baby is loved but I can't stand the thought of these people breeding more rude, burping, farting, hicks. Sorry. The truth hurts.
And finally, reason #4: Watch this video. No, she didn't slap Dr. Drew but she pretended to and that, my readers, is just rude and as we say UGLY!